The news

Le programme LEA à l’honneur

Le Docteur Paul Saultier et le Professeur Gérard Michel ont été invités par la prestigieuse revue d’hématologie “Blood” dans sa […]

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Nouvelles publications par les équipes LEA

L’actualité scientifique du programme LEA s’est enrichie de plusieurs articles récemment publiés. Ces articles originaux relatent les travaux de recherche […]

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Subvention “Enfants Cancers Santé” obtenue par le Pr Julie Berbis

Dans le cadre de l’appel à projet de la Société Française des Cancers de l’Enfant (AAP SFCE 2021), le Pr. […]

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Annual LEA day

On Thursday, October 28, 2021, the annual LEA day took place. The morning was devoted to scientific presentations with 14 […]

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Participation au Parle moi… Evènement grand public du Canceropôle Sud

Comme chaque année le Canceropôle Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur organise un événement grand public à la Bibliothéque de l’Alcazar à Marseille. Ce […]

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Grant obtained from the Agence de la Biomédecine by Dr Paul Saultier

Dr Paul Saultier obtained a grant from the Agence de la Biomédecine for his SEGOLEN study: long-term state of health […]

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Presentation of the study on siblings by Cindy Faust during the Canceropôle PACA annual seminar

The results on the long-term quality of life of the siblings of patients recovered from childhood leukemia: A French study […]

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Intervention of Cindy Faust during 25th PanCare Meetings

During the 25th PanCare Meetings which was held in virtual on May 19 and 20, 2021, Cindy Faust had the […]

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Awarded the Grant Sacha from France Lymphome Espoir

Prof. Julie Berbis was awarded the Grant Sacha from France Lymphome Espoir for her study HEMiLY : Pediatric malignant hemopathies […]

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Intervention by Prof. Julie Berbis at the International Childhood Cancer Day organized by the Canceropôle PACA

During the International Childhood Cancer Day organized by the Canceropôle PACA, Prof. Julie Berbis was able to present the LEA […]

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New LEA publication: bone mineral density

A new scientific article from the LEA platform has been published. You can find it by clicking on the link […]

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Presentation at the 23rd Research Conference of the Ligue National Contre le Cancer

The Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer organized its 23rd Research Symposium on 28 and 29 January 2021. Professor Pascal Auquier […]

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New LEA publication: testosterone deficiency

The first scientific article of the LEA platform for the year 2021 has been published. You can find it by […]

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Election of the President of the Scientific Council

On Wednesday January 6, 2021, the Scientific Council of the LEA platform met and unanimously elected its President, Prof. Dominique […]

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Participation à la deuxième édition des rendez-vous Laurette Fugain

Prof. Gérard Michel and Prof. Julie Berbis took part in the second edition of the Laurette Fugain meetings to participate […]

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LEA website launch

The LEA platform website has opened. Do not hesitate to share it.   Some pages are not yet completed but […]

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